Laser Hair Removal in Tampa, FL

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses pulsed laser energy to remove unwanted hair from a targeted area, while leaving surrounding skin unharmed. 

Although there are many temporary hair removal treatments, including tweezing, shaving, depilatory creams and waxing, patients seeking more permanent and less irritating/painful methods are frequently good candidates for laser hair removal.

How it Works?

The Alma Soprano Ice laser hair removal utilizes innovative technology to provide virtually painless treatments, making it more comfortable for patients compared to other laser hair removal methods.  “SHR Technology” gradually heats the skin to a temperature that effectively damages the hair follicles and prevents the hair from growing back. The sweeping “In-Motion” technique keeps the laser in constant motion. The specialized applicator treats in larger treatment segments, ensuring full coverage with shorter treatment times. “ICE Technology” simultaneously cools the skin, preventing burns and allowing for virtually painless, yet highly effective, hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal Tampa FL

Who Can Benefit Laser Hair Removal?

Each hair and skin type requires a specific laser wavelength for optimal results. The Alma Soprano ICE provides flexibility with treatment plans, offering a variety of wavelengths and settings, so we can deliver a customized treatment session for every patient. Whether you have light, dark, or even tanned skin, course or fine hair, Soprano Ice achieves complete and effective hair removal that’s safe, quick and comfortable.

How Many Treatments are Required?

Hair growth takes place cyclically, in three stages. The most effective laser hair removal takes place during the anagen (active growth) stage because the hair follicles in this stage are susceptible to laser energy. Because all hair is not in the same stage of growth at any given time, several laser treatment sessions are necessary - usually between 8 and 12 sessions spaced approximately 6 weeks apart. To some extent, the length of treatment depends on the texture of the patient's hair and the location from which it is being removed. Blonde or red hair may need additional treatments to get the same results as darker hair, and darker skin tones may need additional treatments, as well. Our laser hair removal specialists assess patient’s progress during each treatment session and make on-going recommendations for follow up session.   Laser hair removal services are not recommended for gray or white hair.

How to Prepare for Your Laser Hair Removal Appointment:

  • 3 to 4 weeks prior to appointment - avoid waxing, plucking, and depilatory creams
  • 2 weeks prior to appointment - avoid tanning (sun, spray, and tanning beds)
  • 1 to 2 days prior to appointment - shave the area to be treated
  • Appointment Day - arrive with clean skin, no lotions or makeup in the treatment area & avoid caffeine prior to treatment to reduce sensitivity
Remove unwanted hair Tampa FL



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